Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Work Night Dinner

Besides researching slow cookers this week - because fall is HERE and I desperately need to start slow cooking roasts and root vegetables and stews, I have been working quite a bit so on nights like tonight, an easy meal is essential.

I found a huge glorious honeycrisp apple at the store this week and imagined it sliced with some beautiful cheese for an appetizer. So tonight we started with a nice fall appetizer of apples and sharp aged cheddar cheese.

For the easiest dinner ever, I threw some chicken breasts in a ziplock in the fridge before I left for work with italian dressing to marinate all day. When I got home I cooked it up and served it with some baby potatoes and a green salad.

And as I write, I am happily munching on some yellow flesh watermelon. Its similar in flavor to regular watermelon but looks so different! You could definitely fool someone that its pineapple - which could be very fun - I might give that a try...

And since I missed a few meals here is a quick overview from the past few nights...

On sunday we had a quick spaghetti with the best stewed tomatoes I've definitely ever had. Great flavor and they came from a can! With (of course) garlic bread.

I was blessed with an entire pallet of eggs from my mother so last night was omelet night!
I had broccoli and onion in the fridge with some hot sauce and cheese... yummm.

And thats all for now folks! I'm full of watermelon and its time to watch some of my recorded Fall TV shows... How could you not love Fall??


  1. what a wonderful weekly recap. this post is lacking some butter usage though.

  2. do you know how many eggs are in a pallet.... 24 cases which each hold 12 flats....that is a (chicken) buttload of eggs !! And are you part of Crockpot girls on FB...awesome site! Keep up the good work...I look forward to following your culinary creations.

  3. Kathy- I just saw the link you sent me! I will definitely have to start following them for crock pot recipes... I may be going to Macys today to purchase one with my final wedding gift card!
