Thursday, September 29, 2011

Surprising Creativity at Such an Early Hour...

A few days ago, I did the horrible awful.

Everyone knows what it is... knows that feeling of dread that YOU were the one that did it.

Then searches and scours every target and walmart and website to find the replacement that doesn't exist.

I. broke. the. coffee pot.

I was slicing my giant yellow watermelon and when the knife finally went through the bottom of the rind, one half of the melon rolled right into the coffee pot causing a glassy graveyard in my sink.

Day 1 of no coffee pot was fabulous! We both left early for work, headed to the most convenient 711 on our routes, and I honestly enjoyed my butter toffee coffee with caramel macchiato creamer! It was only 1.59 too! What a deal.

Day 2 we are too lazy to get up early and both drink the sludge at work.

Day 3 I GET CREATIVE. See amazing picture below.

Yes, that is a tea pot with a chopstick to let the little dripper flow. Mr. Coffee Maker was a little confused, but he did fabulously and we got a homemade cup of jo with minimal effort.

And to celebrate my success, I enjoyed one of my favorite breakfasts...

Happy Thursday Everyone!

1 comment:

  1. You are so cute and cleaver!! Just like your papa you can do anything! How do you like that granola?? Worth the cost?
